Novità nella famiglia delle Psathyrellaceae. Parte II
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Parole chiave

Psathyrellaceae, Coprinopsis, Coprinopsis, Coprinellus, Parasola, Coprinus, macrocarpa, boninensis, alvesii, neodilectus, subcurtus, arachnoidea, ghanensis, hawaiana, indicifoetidella, grgurinoviciae, hawaiana, lilatinctoides, plicatilopsis, Coprinopsis macrocarpa, Lacrymaria boninensis, Coprinellus alvesii, Coprinellus neodilectus, Coprinellus subcurtus, Coprinopsis arachnoidea, Coprinopsis ghanensis, Coprinopsis hawaiana, Coprinopsis indicifoetidella, Parasola grgurinoviciae, Parasola hawaiana, Parasola lilatinctoides, Parasola plicatilopsis, Pietro Voto

Come citare

Voto, P. (2019). Novità nella famiglia delle Psathyrellaceae. Parte II. Rivista Micologica Romana. Bollettino dell’Associazione Micologica Ecologica Romana, 108(3), 127-133. Recuperato da


While working out a worldwide key to Genera and species of Family Psathyrellaceae(including Coprinus, Montagneaand Podaxis, three coprinoid Genera belonging to Agaricaceae), a number of taxa were noticed that presented an improper status. Some species, though duly described, had been published in a period when the generic names Coprinusand Psathyrellawere used in a large sense, and therefore they had to be recombined following the modern systematics; this operation was mostly carried out in Part I of this paper (VOTO, 2019). An invalid species needed be correctly published. Some peculiar, adequately described collections were judged to be misidentified to different existing taxa and, because they are recognized as autonomous species instead, they are givena formal description in order to draw attention to them and to stimulate their recognition with more descriptions. REDHEAD ET AL. (2001) for the coprinoid taxa and ÖRSTADIUS ET AL.(2015) for the psathyrelloid taxa were followed for assigning the generic name to the proposed novelties.The key is published online in open access in the website of the Associazione Micologica ed Ecologica Romana - A.M.E.R. at the page: The key to the species of the Genus Psathyrellais in a file on its own in the same web page and is currently limited to the European taxa only.

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